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Cats are thought to be one of the most popular pets, with over 500 million domestic cats worldwide.
All cats walk directly on their toes and use a pacing gate (both front and back legs on one side move together, alternating with both front and back legs on the other) when they walk slowly. Other animals that walk this way include camels and giraffes.
House cats, like their big cat counterparts, are perfectly built for hunting. In fact, their powerful jaws are so developed to catch prey, cats can’t really “chew” like humans do. Instead, their sharp teeth quite literally “scissor” their food into pieces small enough to swallow.
They also have large eyes, which, while they can’t see color as well as humans can, can see six times better in the dark. That’s because their pupils can expand to nearly the entire edge of their eye! They also have amazing smell and hearing. Cats have 32 muscles on the outside of the ear that help them to swivel and pinpoint sound.
One thing cats can’t do well is taste! They have relatively few taste buds (470 vs. 9000 in a human) and they can’t taste sweet things.
A few other facts about cats: