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Great White Shark

Quick Facts

  • Genus:
    Carcharodon carcharias
  • Location:
    Along the coasts of all continents except Antarctica

Did You Know?

Great white sharks must swim constantly or they will sink.
Great white sharks are able to jump into the air from deep water in order to catch fast-swimming seals.
Scientists estimate that after a big meal, a great white shark can last up to three months before needing another one.
A great white shark may use and lose more than 1,000 teeth in its lifetime.

The Scoop

The Largest Predatory Fish

Great white sharks live in cool, coastal waters throughout the world. They are the largest predatory fish on Earth, with slate grey coloring and torpedo-shaped bodies. Great white sharks get their name from their stark white under bellies, and have powerful tails that can propel them through the water at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour. Their mouths are lined with serrated, triangular teeth, and as teeth are lost, broken or worn down, they are replaced by new teeth that rotate into place. Great white sharks also have a very sharp sense of smell, enabling them to sense tiny electrical discharges through the ocean water.

Great white sharks grow to an average of 15 feet in length- more than half the length of a bus – and can weigh up to 5,000 pounds (about as heavy as a car). They prey on sea lions, seals, small toothed whales, sea turtles and carrion, and are also known to attack humans. The great white shark’s attack strategy consists of a swift, surprise attack from below, inflicting a large, potentially fatal bite.

Because they have been hunted by humans for years, great white sharks have become a protected species along the coasts of California, USA, Australia and South Africa. Sharks play an essential role in our marine ecosystem, and need to be protected to prevent extinction.