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Quick Facts

  • Genus:
    Scorpiones. There are around 2,000 different species
  • Location:
    Most countries of the world, especially in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere

Did You Know?

Scorpions have florescent materials on their shell. With ultraviolet light, they can glow in the dark.
Scorpions like snug and tight spaces. That’s why when a scorpion happens to enter a house, its favorite hiding place is in shoes.
Scorpions are tough. Researchers have frozen scorpions overnight, only to put them in the sun the next day and watch them thaw out and walk away.
Female scorpions give birth to live young in litters that can range from 4 baby scorpions to 8 or 9 baby scorpions. As soon as they are born, the babies climb onto their mother’s back.

The Scoop

Ancient Animals

Scorpions have been on earth for over 400 million years- even before dinosaurs. They generally prefer hot climates but some species survive cold winters in the mountains or in moderate regions. Antarctica is the only place on earth where you won’t find the scorpion. The body of a scorpion consists of 18 segments, and it has eight legs. Scorpions also have two large claws or pincers in the front of their bodies. Some scorpions have up to 10 eyes, though they can’t see very well. They rely on vibrations from their surroundings to help them determine what is taking place in their environment. Scorpions are burrowing animals and the only thing that is absolutely necessary for their survival is soil. All species of scorpions are poisonous but only a very small number of the known species can be dangerous to humans.

Scorpions can vary in size from less than an inch to 12 inches in length- which is the length of a ruler.  Their weight also varies from half an ounce to three and a half ounces. Scorpions spend the day under rocks and in crevices and then come out to hunt in the safety of darkness. They are carnivorous animals and paralyze their prey using the venomous sting on the end of their tail. They feed only on living creatures like spiders, insects, larvae and sometimes even small lizards and mice. The scorpion has a very good sense of smell, which it uses to find food and to hide from danger.

Scorpions have an amazing ability to survive even in the most unfavorable conditions. When food is scarce, it can slow down its metabolism. Some species of scorpions can live for up to a year without any food or water. Such survival skills are perhaps the reason why scorpions have survived for millions of years and are not endangered in any way.